What to Expect During Gynecomastia Surgery in Charlotte

If you feel self-conscious about your overdeveloped or enlarged breasts, undergoing breast reduction surgery can be highly beneficial for your confidence. However, you may be curious about what to expect during gynecomastia surgery in Charlotte.  Overall, the surgery is considered to be safe and effective. Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim, our board-certified plastic surgeon, has extensive training and experience in treating gynecomastia. He understands the importance of a masculine chest profile for self-esteem and leverages his skillset to achieve optimal results. 

Pre-Surgery Preparation

At Ditesheim Cosmetic Surgery, we are here to guide you every step of the way so you know what to expect during your male breast reduction surgery in Charlotte. You will start with a consultation with Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim to discuss your concerns and goals for the surgery. He will provide potential solutions and answer any questions you may have. It is natural to feel anxious, but addressing your concerns will help ease your worries.  Before having any surgery, you should stop smoking and using tobacco products at least one month prior to the procedure. Various compounds found in cigarettes and other tobacco products can negatively impact healing, so we want them flushed from your system to ensure optimal healing. If you are unable to permanently quit tobacco use, please wait at least one month after your surgery before resuming smoking. 
During your consultation, we will review your overall health, including any medications and supplements you regularly take. If any of these could increase your risk of bleeding during surgery, we will provide specific dates for when you should stop using them before your surgery. For example, ibuprofen (found in Advil and Motrin) and Aleve can lead to surgery complications, so we ask that you refrain from using these drugs one week prior to surgery and for a few days after surgery.  If you are unsure what additional medications you must avoid before or after surgery, contact our knowledgeable medical staff. Our objective is to ensure your surgery goes smoothly, and we will gladly guide you through the process.

Your Anesthesia Options

We want our patients to be comfortable throughout their surgery. The type of anesthesia used for your gynecomastia surgery will depend on the specifics of your procedure.  For mild gynecomastia cases, you may opt to stay awake during the procedure, using only local anesthesia to numb the targeted area. This will involve tumescent anesthesia, where a solution containing both an anesthetic and a vasoconstrictor medication is injected into and around the area being operated on.  For more advanced stages, such as grade three or four gynecomastia, stronger anesthesia is recommended. Conscious sedation can be added to tumescent anesthesia, or general anesthesia may be used. If you undergo general anesthesia, you will need a driver to take you home. After the procedure, a long-acting local anesthetic will be injected into and around the targeted area to help manage pain during recovery. Understanding the available anesthesia options we provide at our Charlotte office and how they are tailored to your specific case will give you a clearer picture of the gynecomastia surgery procedure and what to expect.

How We Personalize Your Gynecomastia Procedure

Every gynecomastia surgery starts with an incision, commonly hidden in your armpit, into tissue folds, or along skin color-change lines. With proper post-procedure care, your incisions will gradually become pencil-line thin, practically vanishing. Prior to the procedure, your highly-trained surgeon will inform you of exactly where the cuts will be made.

Procedural Overview

While surgical techniques and individual cases in Charlotte may vary, you can generally expect a combination of liposuction and excision to be used during gynecomastia treatment. Enlarged breasts, which typically contain both fatty and glandular tissues, can often be removed with liposuction through a small incision to remove the excess tissue. Next, hard glandular tissue needs to be released off the chest wall and then removed. This requires a larger incision, primarily made in the areola, or pigmented area around your nipple. After the removal of this tissue, your body will adjust, and the skin around your nipple will shrink, helping to hide the scar. If you have large breasts, your surgery might involve removing excess skin and repositioning your nipples. The incision will be as small as possible and placed in a location where it is less visible. For excess skin removal, the incision can be hidden in the natural fold along the lower border of your breast. To preserve normal nipple sensitivity, the surgical techniques will carefully avoid disturbing the blood supply and nerves to your nipples.

Pre-Surgical Evaluation and Surgical Adjustments

Dr. Ditesheim will evaluate your breasts before surgery and explain his recommended approach. Sometimes, it can be challenging to determine what type of tissue – whether fatty or glandular – is causing your gynecomastia based on examination alone. Glandular tissue may feel hard and scar-like or softer and more fibrous. These variables can sometimes demand certain adjustments during surgery.  We will prepare you for potential possibilities and complications, and if you are awake, we will talk you through the process. However, if you are in a deep sleep, we will proceed with the surgery and inform you after the procedure. Do not worry about changes during surgery; they are common, and our team is well-prepared to handle any situations that may arise.

Your Private Surgical Suite

Our main office includes a state-of-the-art private surgical suite. All surgical procedures are performed here, including your gynecomastia surgery. You will experience a calm and relaxing environment, having met many of the team members who will be caring for you. We take pride in our efforts to put our patients at ease and ensure a stress-free experience. 

Faculty Certification

Our facility is QUAD A certified, meeting the rigorous standards set by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. Both conscious sedation or general anesthesia is provided by a board-certified anesthesiologist, and our highly skilled nursing staff will be with you throughout your surgical experience. From your initial consultation to post-operative follow-ups, Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim and our hard-working team will guide you toward obtaining your desired results in a safe environment.

Learn What to Expect During Male Chest Contouring Surgery in Charlotte – Contact Us Today!

If you have further questions or concerns about what to expect during gynecomastia surgery in Charlotte, Dr. Ditesheim and his staff are to assist you. Do not hesitate to contact us – we are dedicated to making your experience as smooth and pleasant as possible.  
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