Gynecomastia from Steroids & Gym Supplements

Gynecomastia, or male breast tissue development, is among the most common yet unfortunate risks of anabolic steroid users. More common than anabolic steroids is the use of “gym supplements”.  These are often “prohormones” that act very similar to steroids. Also, the gynecomastia that results from steroids, prohormones, or “supplements” is usually more severe and larger and has very dense hard glandular tissue.

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Gynecomastia From Steroids & Supplements

Steroids can cause male breast growth by increasing the estrogen level in the body. Not only is the condition dysmorphic,  but it can also be a career-ender for professional bodybuilders.

Gynecomastia, or male breast tissue development, is among the most common yet unfortunate risks of anabolic steroid users. More common than anabolic steroids is the use of “gym supplements”.  These are often “prohormones” that act very similar to steroids. Also, the gynecomastia that results from steroids, prohormones, or “supplements” is usually more severe and larger and has very dense hard glandular tissue.


How Do Steroids & Supplements Cause Gynecomastia? 

A hormonal imbalance causes most gynecomastia cases. Steroids increase the production of estrogen, the female hormone, which can trigger a severe hormone imbalance and excess breast growth. A byproduct of testosterone breakdown is estradiol, an estrogen hormone that leads to the development of female secondary sex characteristics.

It’s common for athletes who use steroids to build muscle to develop gynecomastia.  Bodybuilders will often be advised to take “blockers”, medicine that blocks the estrogen side effects.  When gynecomastia is established, the excess fatty tissue and breast development can only be removed surgically to reverse the condition completely. If you have male breast growth after taking steroids, reliable, safe, and effective treatments are available. Contact Ditesheim Cosmetic Surgery in Charlotte, NC, to learn more about the best treatment options for you.


Gynecomastia from Steroids: Signs and Symptoms

If you’re experiencing one or more of the following symptoms after using steroids, gynecomastia surgery may be the best option to restore your confidence and achieve your aesthetic goals. 

  • Enlarged breast tissue
  • Tender or sensitive breasts
  • Nipple changes (sore, puffed, or change in shape)
  • Puffy or swollen chest
  • One breast appears larger than the other
  • Hard “rocks” or “pebbles” around the chest
  • Feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment, or reduced self-esteem.

What Steroids Cause Male Breast Growth?

Anabolic steroids are known to increase muscle mass and strength. Some men, especially athletes and bodybuilders, use steroids to enhance physical performance and achieve a more muscular physique. Several anabolic steroids can potentially cause male breast growth. 

Some of the most common steroids that are known for causing gynecomastia include:

  • Nandrolone
  • Boldenone
  • Methandienone
  • Trenbolone
  • Anadrol
  • Methyltestosterone

While it’s not a guarantee that if you take steroids, you’ll develop breasts, some risks of developing gynecomastia include the dosage, duration of use, genetic predisposition, and other risk factors. If you’re concerned about breast growth after taking steroids, contact our offices today.

Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim is a highly accomplished, board-certified plastic surgeon with a reputation for excellence. Don’t wait to restore your masculine figure. Get in touch today about reversing the adverse side effects of taking steroids.


Gynecomastia Treatment After Steroid Use

Male breasts or enlarged, puffy nipples can harm self-esteem, relationships, and mental health. If you avoid shirtless activities, wear baggy clothes to conceal your chest, or your career as an athlete is suffering, consider surgery for male breasts caused by steroid use. 

A male breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery removes excess breast tissue and, in some cases, excess skin to achieve a flatter and more masculine chest contour. Depending on your case, Dr. Ditesheim may use one or more of the following surgical techniques to restore your masculine-looking chest.

Liposuction: Male breast lipo is often the best approach when gynecomastia is primarily due to an accumulation of excess fatty tissue in the breast area. Liposuction uses a thin tube (cannula) to suction out the excess fat in the breast through small incisions.


Recovering From Gynecomastia Surgery After Steroid use

Treating gynecomastia from steroid use is usually performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you’ll return home the same day. Patients are generally advised to wear a compression garment after surgery to aid in healing and minimize swelling. Be sure to follow the doctor’s after-care instructions for the best results.

Gynecomastia Specialist in Charlotte, NC 

If taking steroids has left you with embarrassing, uncomfortable, or awkward “male breasts,” treatments are available. Dr. Ditesheim is highly experienced in treating gynecomastia after steroid use. 

Restore your masculine-appearing chest with natural-looking results. Learn more about treatments for gynecomastia caused by steroids, or book your initial consultation at our office today.


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Charlotte, NC plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey A. Ditesheim is a highly accomplished, board-certified plastic surgeon with a reputation for excellence. In choosing a plastic surgeon, you want to be completely confident that your procedure will be performed with advanced surgical skills and true artistry. Dr. Ditesheim has an impeccable reputation in Charlotte, North Carolina and beyond, drawing discerning patients to his exclusive clinic in Ballantyne.

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